Sunday, January 23, 2011

Goal Post

Really not much to creatively write. But I do have a goal of trying to post at least one time each month. I may have missed a few times. This year I am thinking of making it my goal to take some photos while out shoeing and publish to my blog. I have acquired a few clients with horses with hoof cracks. I like dealing with cracks. So it might be fun to document any changes, as well as, the type of cracks. I have posted a few times in the past some about cracks and the different types. Since I have a digital camera it should be easy to post pictures.
Talk about pictures....I had a photo of me along with a short interview type article in the Western Horseman magazine this February! ( this issue is out to subscribers already) Jennifer Denison, senior editor, used me in the Women of the West section. It was fun and scary to have that "honor". Hope anyone who read it enjoyed it and I hope people I have met along the way will remember me if they see the article.
2011- Here We Go!